Articles and Reviews
DANSR/Vandoren Articles
Eliminating the Soft Palate Air Leak
Tips on Recording and the Poulenc Sonata
Clarinet Articulation: Getting it Right from the Beginning
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Dante Dances Review - The Clarinet Journal
"This disc is beautifully recorded, with perfect balance between the clarinet and piano. Both performers are expert, with Doyle’s warm, focused yet expansive tone deserving special praise."
~Larry Guy
Clarinet Articulation: Getting it right from the Beginning
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Before addressing articulation, we as teachers must be certain students have solid fundamentals of embouchure, air support and tongue position. It is important to understand how the reed works and why it is important use the tongue to articulate.
One of many problems encountered with young students is "huffing" which is not using the tongue to create the separation. This is diagnosed if you see neck, cheek or throat puffing on every articulation. The player is stopping the air to create the separation rather than interrupting the air with the tongue. Remember: Air is always constant.
Eliminating the Soft Palate Air Leak
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There is no more terrifying feeling than experiencing the Soft Palatal Air Leak during a performance. What is it? How did this happen? Why is this happening? Why right now during this performance? What do I do?
Many wind players struggle with the soft palatal air leak or Velopharyngeal Insufficiency (VPI) and are unsure of why it happens and how to eliminate the problem. Once the soft palate is fatigued, it can become a chronic condition if not addressed, particularly in younger players. Often the soft palatal air leak presents itself at the most inopportune of times. I experienced VPI as a graduate student during a recital, though the symptoms were most likely there prior to my onset. After my experience with VPI, I began exploring the nature of the soft palate and sought to discover how to conquer the problem.